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All those things you need to know and more.
Babies -Preparing your dog for new arrival
Captivating Kids During Dog Training
Contract for kids : I love my dog
Children and dogs - Basic Safety
Children & dogs - Safety around other people's dogs
Children - What's the best dog for kids?
Children mistreating dogs and often parents think cute
Children reading to dogs
Dogs and Children
Do dogs know your pregnant?
Dogs and Children living in Harmony
Dog Bites: Who Is Getting Bitten and Why?
Dog's benefits to children
How Your Baby’s Development Impacts Your Dog
Parents helping kids to get their dogs to behave
Pets lower chances kids get allergy & obesity
The 13 Worst Dog Breeds for Kids With Allergies
The Facts - Dogs and Babies
Tips for adopting if your have children
Why children may get bitten & how dogs warn us
Advantages & Disadvantages of Cross Breeding
Chinese Genetically Engineered Strong Dogs
Can dog litters have more than one father?
Can Large Breed & Small Breeds Mate?
DNA is about a lot more than satisfying your curiosity
Do Cross breeds have better heath and vigour?
Do purebreeds and cross breeds think differently?
Do crossbreeds live longer?
Dog breeds that should never be crossed
Dogs are as smart as 2 year old kids
Dogs Bite Force - all about it
Who lives longer pure or cross breeds
Genetic Age Testing - what is it and what does it tell us
Guessing your shelter dog’s breed?
How old is old?
How dogs understand, speech, navigate & age
How long will my dog live & factors that influence
New way of figuring out your dogs age in human years
100 Years Of Breed Improvement
Management of genetic disorders in dogs
Our Pet's DNA - what you can and CAN'T tell
Peas impacting on breeding !?
Prey Drive - dogs that have the highest
Scenting Dogs - The surprising heroes
Selective breeding, does this impact on behaviour
Slumdog or Millionairre
Some tips to help you figure out your dog's age
Spirocerca lupi treatment and MDR1 testing
The Secrets of Aging - Old Dog and New Research
Understanding your dog's body language
What dogs don't hear when you talk to them
What your favourite breed says about you
Wolf and wolf hybrids - why not to get them
Why poodles are good for cross breeding
Why flat-faced dogs are popular despite health risks
Your dogs tail can give clues to breed makeup
Your mixed breed's tail can give you lots of clues
Clicker on-line course by Mary Woodward
Clicker How to have a Polite Puppy the Clicker Way
Loose Lead Walking Clicker Style
Stopping negative behavior positively
Teaching your dog to Touch/Target your hand
A Beginners Guide to Dog Agility
Can too many ball games worsen behaviour?
10 Tips to practice agility at home with your dog
De-stressing your dog - providing mental/physical stimulation
Entertainment for a dog left at home alone
Entertainment for a dog while travelling in car
Fitness in your back yard
part 1
Fitness in your back yard part
Germs & Bacteria on dog toys frightening!
Good games/Bad Games
Is your dog a weekend warrior?
Organized Activitie
Scent Games
Snuffle mats - how to use, and make them
Teach you dog to shake paw
Teaching your dog to use food puzzles
Teaching your dog to 'Find It'
The importance of daily play time and dog toys
The importance of scent games
The important of getting your dog engaged in scent games
Getting your dog engaged in scent games.
Roughthousing or not?
Tips to practice agility at home
Train your dog to play Flyball-they love it!
Three reasons to get your dog a Puzzle Toy
ricks - teaching your dog tricks
To Tug or not to Tug
Trick Training for Fun!
10 Easy Things to Do To Make Your Dog Happier
Toys, keeping the interest going
Toys you should avoid with senior dogs
Weaving at home - how to teach this
Why dogs need toys
Why some dogs love soft toys
Which dogs benefit from home agility?
You may be surprised at how important play is for our dogs
Are your dog's toys non-toxic
Are your dog's toys poisoning him?
Chewing and Toys
Chew Toy List
Dog Owners Beware: Ignoring can lead to injury/death
Entertaining your dog on rainy days
How to stuff a kong type toy, plus recipes
How a Kong nearly killed my dog
Is your dog obsessed with chew toys?
Kongs : 50 ways with a kong
Should your let your dog destroy his toys?
Should my dogs chew on sticks and wood?
Soft Toys, some behaviour issues
The Ultimate Dog Toy Safety Guide
Toys you should avoid with senior dogs
Tug Toys - can these encourage aggression?
Your dogs toys may be full of bacteria and germs
Bark Collars
Dog Collars-when left on can be dangerous!
Dog Muzzle Safety Guide
Getting your dog used to a lead &
Getting your dog used to a lifejacket
Head Halters - how to use them
Head Halters - making life a TTouch easier
How to measure your dog for a collar
No-pull harness-did you know this can cause damage
Prong collar training
Muzzles: In praise of Muzzles
Shock Collars, the Shocking Truth
Selecting training Equipment
Some surprising dangers about harnesses
Take The Lead, Safely!
The use of shock collars in training
Behavioual Effects of Castration
Don’t want to sterilize your dog? – First consider this
My female dog has become aggressive after spaying
Probing the Pedigree
Sterilization - is early sterilization an option?
Sterilization - Dont want to steilize? Read this first
o Snip or Not To Snip
3 Tips to house train older dogs
Dog is Marking
House Training
How to convince your dog to go out in the rain
Odours - Eliminating Doggy Odours
Toilet Training
Teaching a dog/pup to eliminate on paper
Withholding - happens more than you may think
Why does my dog take so long to decide where to poop?
Why your dog incessantly sniffs and pees on walks
Why your dog kicks grass after eliminating
Breeds with higher risk of heatstroke
Dog Park Etiquett
Getting enough out of your dog walks?
Is a dog a dog's best friend?
Loose dog, what should I do?
Running with your dog
Socialization - The Importance of Socialization
Walking : How walking your dog can save the planet
Walks in the Cape National parks
Why should your dog tolerate impolite behaviour?
Why is it important for my dog to sniff and scent on walks?
Training : The right school for your dog
Training : Dog Training Classes
Training- how to find the right trainer for your dog
Are dogs colour blind?
Can your dog tell when you are lying?
Can dogs sense tension
Dogs read our intent -by Scienc
Do Dogs Dream?
Dogs can recognize photos
Does tail docking affect behaviour
Dogs are as smart as 2 year old kids
Dogs have feelings too
Dogs might be more rational than humans
Dogs trained to detect corona virus
Emotion: Do dogs feel Emotion?
Five ways that your dog senses the world
GRRRRR....means many things in dogspea
Greeting Behaviour in Dogs
How dogs think
How to read your dogs body language
If we are the parents, do dogs think they are our kids?
IQ Test For Dogs
Scenting Dogs - The Surprising Heroes
Stress and our dogs
Scientists create IQ test for dogs
Tails - does a tail tell its own tail?
Tension Patterns in Dogs
The Emotional Dog
The Physiology of dogs
The physiologic effects of fear
The threat of stillness
The Hidden Benefits of DNA Testing for Dogs
Touching : The benefits of touching your dog
Vision in Animals
Vocalizations : Dog vocalizations
Why do dogs chase their tails?
What do dogs see in mirrors?
What is my dog thinking?
Why do some dogs have blue eyes
Why does my dog cock her head?
Why dogs howl at sirens
Why do some dogs roll on their food?
Your dog can talk to you
Your dog remembers more than you think!
Yes, dogs really can smell cancer
Defining quality of life
Is my dog dying? Learn the signs
Saving for your dogs retirement
Senior Dogs -Can their behaviour change
enior dogs- Lengthening and improving their lives
Seven Habits that can extend your dog's life
6 Best Dog Breeds for Senior Citizens
Teaching your dog to use a ramp or stairs
The Geriatric Dog
Top 10 Reasons to Adopt an Older Dog
When to fight for life - when to let go
Who lives longer Cross or pure bred?
NUTRITION (do visit our health page as well)
Benefits & Disadvantages of slow feeder bowls
Bones - what they mean to dogs
Feeding: The principles of feeding your dog correctly
Fat Dogs
Feeding - is it really necessary to feed a good quality food?
Food as Medicine
Free Feeding vs Fixed Time Feeding
Guzzling dogs, how to slow them down
How to provide food enrichment for your dog
Nutrition - can what you feed your dog affect behaviour?
Nutrition: the impact of nutrition on canine Behaviour
Sterilizing Bones
Why feeding once a day is not recommended
A First hand experience of grieving pet loss
Burial or Cremation - what is best option
Why burying your dog in garden is not a good idea
Can the loss of a pet affect other pets in the family?
Cherishing the final days
Coping with Pet Loss
Dealing with your dog dying
Defining quality of life
Does a dog know its dying?
Do Pets Feel Grief? How to help your dog cope
8 Things I wish I Iknew before experiencing pet loss
Farewell Fido-Helping kids to deal with pet loss
Grief and the fear of letting go
Grief and mourning in dogs
Grieving the loss of a beloved pet during holidays
Has Grief for a Dog Who Died Ever Overwhelmed You?
How did pet cremation come about?
How soon should you adopt a new dog?
How pet loss memorabilia can help you cope
How to cope when your dog passes
I lost my best friend
I loved your dog today
Is my dog dying? Learn the signs
It is time to take the loss of a beloved pet seriously
Keys to coping with grief over the holiday season
Losing your 'Best Friends'
Most common reasons of accidental death
Most common causes of accidental death in dogs
Pet Loss - why does it hurt so much?
Pet Cremation or Buriel?
Remembering your dog who has passed
The Anniversary Reaction
The Pandemic - and then your dog dies
Tips for helping your dog deal with the loss of a friend
This is why a dog never dies
What happens when it is time to say goodbye?
What happens after our pet is euthanised?
Why losing a dog can be so devastating.
Breeds with higher risk of heatstroke
Considerations for summer heat
Choosing a Boarding Kennel for your Dog
Doggy Day Care
Going on Holiday? -Plan for your pets
Emergencies - how to plan and prepare
5 Holiday Tips for Dogs
11 Tips for choosing a kennel
First Aid - see Health Section
Prevention for missing pets and help if it happens
Holiday Dogs - Introducing dogs
Holidays : Taking pets on Holiday
Kennel vs Home Care
Missing dogs - who to contact and what to do
Relocating Dogs
ravel- Should I take my dog overseas?
Travel Crates - the right one & how to get your dog to
love it
Will boarding my dog make him stressed?
Why employ a pet sitting and what to consider
Alpha Dog - New Study
A True Best Friend
A Little Respect Please
All Interesting..and Stuff - about rewards for dogs
Allergic to dogs? There may be a solution
Are dog afraid of the dark?
Are long walks at w damaging your dog?
Avoiding home grooming problems
Bath Zoomies - why dogs get the zoomies after a bath
Beauty without Cruelty
Bone fractures increasing as seniors walk dogs
Breed Labels: When guesses turn into predictions
Cadaver Dogs
Can Dogs Suffer From Post Traumatic Stress?
Can you compost dog poop?
Choosing a Breed
Car Harness - Putting one on
Caring for a dog with special needs
Celebrating our best friends with awesome stories
Daily Dog News
Dangerous Dog Debate
Deaf Dogs
Dental health - do dental chews really help?
Dialogue with Eddie
Dog fighting - SA's dirty little secret
Dognip for Dogs
Doggy Toy Box
Dogs' Brains Reorganized by Breeding
Dog's may use Earth's magnetic field to take shortcuts
Dog's sleeping positions and what they mean
Dog urine and grass damage
Dominance in Dogs in Not a Personality Trait
Dominance and pet dogs - often very misunderstoo
DON"T take your pup or adolescent to a dog park
During & After a fire - caring for your pet
Effective Owners of Elderly Dogs
Exactly how much do you know about dogs tails?
Facts about Mixed Breed Dogs
Fireworks: how fireworks threaten out pets
Fireworks - the SPCA guide to the law on Fireworks
5 Simple ways to have a happier & healthier
Falling in Love
with a dog and how it changes our lives
15 Fastest dog breeds in the world
Fun facts - why am I allergic to cats but not dogs?
First Aid for dog bites
Reasons not lick your face
& 2 reasons to lick
4 Reasons you should not tether or chain your dog
5 Reasons Why Banning Pit Bulls Has Never Worked
Grooming tips for a double coated dog
Guidelines for Responsible Pet Ownership
Healing the trauma of dog bites and attacks
Hoarding - how does this develop?
Horrendous cross border trading
How often should you wash your dog
How to have a healthy lawn with dogs
How to know if your dog is stressed and how to help
Intelligent Disobedience in dogs
nappropriate and Appropriate dog play
Is it cruel for a dog to live alone outside?
Is there such a thing as a totally hypoallergenic dog?
IQ Test For Dogs
Is a tired dog a good dog?
Is that smiling dog happy?
Is it really necessary to brush and comb my dog?
Is your dog a drama queen or cool dude
Keep your dog safe from being used as bait
Loose dogs, what should I do?
Loving your dog too much
Maiming Man's best friend - ear cropping
Many owners underestimate their dogs fear of noise
Moving House? Tips to help your dog adjust
My dog always tries to lick my feet -why?
My dog struggles at vet/groomer
Myths around dog bite force
New hip replacement due to scratch from dog
Omaha Beagle- a dialogue with Omaha Beagl
Paw Licking -why do dogs do this?
Put yourself in your dogs shoes
Pets alter infants' microbiota - lowers risks
Recovering with 4 legged friends -less pain meds
Reducing and Getting rid of pet hair
7 Things all Dogs Need
Saving for your pets retirement
Some tips to get your dog used to a dryer
6 Dog Myths you need to know
6 Dog Related Tax Deductions
Smoking -is your bad habit making your dog sick
Some reason why your dog prefers the floor to its bed
Tips for removing dog hair in home and car
10 tips for picking up dog hair
10 Human Behaviours that Stress our Dogs Out
Tail Docking
The benefits of playing music to your dogs
The dangerous dog debate
The Dark World of Stolen Dogs ; Dog Fighting and Breeding Exploitatio
The Dog Rescuers Rescue Groups
The Do's & Dont's of Home Grooming
he Dumbest things dog owners do
The Scary Truth About “Free to a Good Home”
The Truth about black tongues
The Grumpy Old Dog Lady
The Importance of a Good Quality Dog Bed
The Unexpected Dog Killer - Stress & Anxiety
Treating dog bites to people
There are two types of dog people
10 Easy things to make your dog happier
To Err About Canines is Huma
Too many pets, too little care - animal hoarding
Top Stress Reducers Are Dogs
The Scary Truth About “Free to a Good Home”
What is dog etiquette and what are survival tips?
Want a dog for protection? Consider this First
What to do when your dog is poisoned by criminals
What experts say about breed legislation
What is a bait dog?
What constitutes a full life for a dog?
What do dogs dream about?
What to do when your dogs nail wont stop bleeding
What to do when a dog attacks you
Why do dogs kick grass after eliminating?
Why does'nt my dog sleep at night?
Why do small dogs have so many psychological probs?
Why do so many men say Nuts to neutering?
Why does a dog stink/ have a lingering smell after a bath
Why the invisible concept should not be considered
Why your dog gets the zoomies
Why your dog may still stink after a bath
Why your dog walker should be a professional
Why your garden isn't enough for your dog
The difference between a Designer & Hybrid Dog
What does Hypoallergenic mean regarding dogs?
What your favourite dog breed says about you
Why do dogs circle and scratch their beds?
Why does my dog....push around his bowl?
What is your dog trying to tell you?
Wolf Hybrid a good option or not?
Wonderful news about dog theft laws in UK
Xylitol - lethal - do you know what products have this?
Your dog is a better judge of character than you
Whether you are looking for a Doggie Day Care, Boarding, Groomer or Puppy School in the Bryanston & surrounding areas, look no further - we have all you need!
Adopting and Caring for Rescue Animals
All about Fostering
Are you paying too much for a shelter dog?
Aspects to consider if getting a 2nd dog questionnaire
A 'Tail" of Two Staffies
Behaviour problems frequently seen in rescue animals
Behavioral Differences Between Purebred and Mixed
Can TTouch really impact on shelter dogs and improve their behaviour?
Choosing a Shelter Dog
Common Objections to mixed breed dogs
CSI Animal Abuse
First two weeks with your dog by Open Paw
Getting Rid of your dog
5 Tips for Adopting Shelter Dogs
Getting things out your dogs mouth without a fight
Giving a shelter Dog a Home
Hoarding - how animal hoarding develops
Introducing Dogs:
Introducing dogs and cats
Honeymoon period - the first 3 weeks
How to introduce dogs
How we can set up a dog to fail
Introducing a new dog to an existing dog
Is Fostering a Pet right for you?
Making the shelter a happier place
Marking - shelter and rescue dogs
Marking Behaviour in foster and adopted dogs
My new shelter dog is not settling–why–what do I do?
New Adult Dog
9 Most popular cross breeds
Puppy Mills-Caring for a dog rescued from them
Problems in rescue animals
Some realities about relinquishing your dog
Some tips for dogs that have experienced trauma
The importance of becoming trauma informed
Top 10 Reasons to Adopt an Older Dog
raining a shelter dog
10 Tips for Problem Behaviour
The Damaged Dog
Tips for the perfect dog names
Why are fees for pet adoption so expensive?
It's a good idea for shelters to consider DNA testing
Whose responsibility is it regarding adoption?
10 Easy things you can do to make your dog happier
Active Mind - Happy Dog
Alone Time for your Dog
Are they playing or fighting?
Aversives - what they are & why not to use them
Aversive Training Methods Increase Stress
Avoiding pack mentality
Basic Instinct
Begging - how to easily change this behaviour
Biting: Preventing Dog Bites
Body Language - learn to understand your dog
Breeds that tend to be prone to separation anxiety
Connection & Control
Counter Surfing
Daily Training - The key to kibble
Ditching the food bowl is ok, but not completely
og Owner Survival Tips and Etiquette
Easier to walk a horse than a dog?
Emergency Down
Even Though
Fetch - How to teach your dog to play fetch
Growling: what to do when your dog growls at you?
Grrr! means many things in dog speak
Go Say Hi - 1,2,3
Guidelines for teaching self control
Humping : Preventing sexually deviant behaviour
House Rules for Dog
Heeling - Teaching Heeling
ugging your dog
How comfortable is your dog with other dogs?
How stimulating scents can influence behaviour
How to raise a dog you can live with
How to teach your dog self control - 4 easy tips
ntroducing dogs and cats
Is nothing in life free?
Is there 'one thing' to a well behaved dog
Is it ok to let my dog on the bed?
Leave -
Teaching your dog to Leave an object
Lifestyle Training
Liver Bread Recipe
Loose Lead Walking
Loose Lead Walking Clicker Style
oving Your Dog Too Much
Lead off Good -Lead on - Bad
My wish list when training
Naughty Dog? Or is it the owner??
Never physically punish your dog!
No more jumping up
Nothing in Life is Free - NILF
Three rules for a well behaved dog
Preventing Overly-Territorial Behavior
Preventing Resource Guarding
Preventing Sep Anx during Corona Shut Down
Preventing your dog escaping
Possessiveness - Avoiding Possessiveness
Praise Him, Praise Him
Place - teaching your dog to go to his place
Punishment has no place when teaching
Recall using the Long Line
eal reliable Recall
Recall - Getting your dog to come reliably when called
Rewards, Treats and Bribes
Secret of Dog Training
Should my dogs chew on sticks and wood?
it List
Social Skills 101
Self control - guidelines for teaching self control
Saving Your Home’s Contents From Your Pet
Sit Command: Why the SIT command is so important
Socialize - What can happen if you do and if you dont!
Stopping Negatively Behaviour Positively
Tapping dogs on the nose is a 'no, no'!'
Teaching A Down/Sit at a Distance
eaching a Pet Life Skills
Teaching Place
Teaching basic sign language to dogs that are deaf
The Binary Dog
The Key to Kibble
The manner you train affects how secure your dog is
Three rules of a well behaved Dog
The trouble with dog to dog play
ouble with dog to dog play
The method you train can affect your relationship
he real reliable Recall
he Sit List - what dogs cant do when sitting!
Tips to Increase Confidence & Decrease Fearfulness
Training : Golden Training Rules
Tired Dog - is a tired dog a good dog?
Please and Thank you
Tips to Increase confidence
You cannot believe difference when a dog has a job
Unravelling the jargon. in Dog
Want a dog for protection? Consider this first
Watch Me
Rude behaviour from dogs - acceptable?
Walking on Lead
Why dog's don't come back when called
Why your should teach the Watch Me exercise
et Medical Aid or Medical Insurance?
What is Pet Medical Insurance and How Does It Work?
Changing Medical Insurance - what to know about
What constitutes a pre-existing condition?
How to compare Pet Medical Insurance Policies
Understanding Pet Medical Insurance Policy Structure
How to decipher the terminology
Know Your Rights!
Why is it important not to purchase insurance based on the lowest premium?
Attention Seeking Behaviour
Aggression-Is this influenced by human beh?
Aggression - Can owners influence this behaviour?
Aggression - Could boredom be causing this?
Aggression-Evaluation of Dog Bites-Bite Level Scale
Aggression - How on-lead aggression can develop
Aggression- Some of the reasons behind it
Aggression Basics
Aggression Overview and Diagnosis
Aggression - Is TTouch of Value for Aggression?
Aggression - Handling on-lead aggression
Aggression towards people - Treat and Retreat
Aggression towards family and friends
Are they fighting or playing?
Aggression - my dog attacks other dogs at gates
Aggression and small breed dogs
Aggression - Oh but he only snapped at my friend
Aggression-cases of aggression have risen since covid
Are you inadvertently flooding your dog?
Begging - How to easily change this behaviour
Barking : My neighbour's barking dog
Barking Dogs
Barking Dogs - Noise or Communication
Barking: Dogs that Bark at night
Barking: Excessive Barking
Beware Of Silent, Stealthy Aggressors
Bicycle Rider wants dog safety tips
Biting: Why would a dog kill its owner
Bites :Why dogs Bite and how they warn us
Beware of silent, stealthy aggressors
Boredom - Preventing Boredom & Frustration
Calmness in the car
Changing Jumping up
Can’t seem to tire out my dog… Ask a Trainer
Chasing behaviour
Chewing - basic instinct
Chewing - Dog is chewing everything
Common dog issues and how to treat them
Compulsive Tail Chasing/Spinning
Conflict between 2 dogs in the home
De-stressing your dog-providing mental/physical stimulation
Digging Problems
Does your Puppy/Dog need Prozac?
Dog fights at home
Dog Bites to unfamiliar people - why?
Dog Bites: Who Is Getting Bitten and Why?
Dog attack YouTube
Dog mad at owner
Dogs that bark at night
Dogs that raid litter boxes
Dogs chasing cars
Dogs that hate being bathed
Roger Abrantes On Dominance
Don't Take my Bone!!
Door Dashing Dog
Eating Disorders
Escape artist - one owner's journey
Escaping dogs - why does this happen?
Euthanasia an option for behaviour problems?
Fear -
The importance of becoming trauma informed
Fear - When Your Dog is a Scardy Cat
Fear of the vet
Fighting : dog fights at home
Fighting with Dogs
Food Bowl Aggression Towards People
Four Wheel Phobia
Gentle dog turns aggressive
Ghost-Walking / Trancing
Growling: what to do when your dog growls at you?
Help for common behaviour problems with Dr Dunbar
How Many Incidents Equal a Problem?
Howling at Sirens
Humping : Preventing sexually deviant behaviou
Humping-Does Your Humping Dog Turn Your Face Red?
Hard to train
House Trainin
Healing the trauma of dog bites and attacks
How many incidents equals a problem?
How to stop your dog begging at the table
I am really going to bite you now
If your dog is aggressive could it be in pain?
If your dog has bitten a person or other dog
Introvert or Extrovert Behaviour?
Is your barking dog driving you nuts?
Is your dog’s barking driving you
Is your dog chewing your shoes?
It's Mine! aka Resource Guarding
It's all about adolescence
Jumping up - Changing & Preventing
Lead pulling
Licking - feet licking
Marking - Dog is Marking
Misbehaving Dog Die Younger
My dog won’t leave the house
My dog wont listen!
My dog struggles at the groomer/vet
Needy Behaviour - why this may physical
Nipping : Puppies and dogs nipping
No more jumping up
Poop Eating - The causes and tips to resolve
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in dogs?
Quick tips to increase confidence and decrease fear
Problem Behaviour - 10 tips
Running away, taking things, destruction
Recall : Total Recall
Redirected Aggression
Reducing Reactive Dog Behavior
Resource Guarding : It's Mine
Resource Guarding
Resource Guarding Between Dogs
Retreat & Treat (Aggression)
Scent Rolling
Storm Fea
r - Oh No its that time of year again!
Separation Anxiety- what you can do
Stopping negative behaviour positively
Strange behaviour and Thryoiditis in dogs
Submissive urination
Successfully House Train Older Dogs
ake the Lead Safely!
Tantrums- how to deal with them
The Wrong kind of guard dog
Top causes of excessive chewing
The Dominance
The Threat of stillness
To tug or not to tug
Top 10 dog behaviour problems
Trancing - what is this and why do dogs do it?
What males a dog aggressive
When having a dog on the bed is not a good idea
Why dogs whine and what to do about this
Why a dog would kill its owner
What makes a dog aggressive?
Why is my dog always eating the strangest things?
Why dogs don't come when called
Why your dog runs away and what to do
What does one do when your dog growls at you?
What to do when your dog eats poop
When does no mean NO!
Why dogs bite & how they warn us
Withholding - a much more common problem
Aggression - Is TTouch of Value for Aggression
Can TTouch really impact on shelter dogs
How TTouch Can Help
a fearful dog
Help your dog feel safe and make choices
Introvert or Extrovert Behaviour?
Reducing Reactive Dog Behavior
Help your dog feel safe & make choices-Safety
Taking the Stress our of Toe Nail Trimming
Tension Patterns-Looking at dogs in the present tense
(new section more breeds will be added monthly)
Dachshund - the good and ba
Does breed matter
French Bulldog - Common Beh Problems
German shepherd - Common Beh problems
Jack Russell Terrier - Common Beh problems
Labrador Retriever - Behaviour Problems
Pug - Common Behaviour Concerns
Siberian Husky - Common behaviour concerns
What to expect from the Boxer Breed
Yorki - Common behaviour concerns
Aggression and some reasons behind it
Aggression Basics
Aggression - A case study with Harry T
Aggression- handling on lead aggression
Captivating Kids During Dog Training
Dances with Dogs
-a partnership with a dog is a dance
Dog is in the detail
Fitness in your back yard
part 1
Fitness in your back yard part
Green eggs and ham in dog training
Genetic Underpinnings of Anomalous Canine Behaviors
He just wants to say Hi
Hard to train
How dogs think
Is a dog a dog's best friend?
It takes a pack to raise a puppy
If you can't say anything nice
Jumping-Why Fluffy Can’t go Hup
Jumping - Physical Causes of Jumping Problems
Jumping - I think I can!
Jumping Just Right Jumping
Lead off Good -Lead on - Bad
Leash reactivity
Learning about punishment from dogs themselves
Of Hostages and relationships
bservation- the fine art of observation
Prong collar training
t takes a pack to raise a puppy
Relationship approach to training
Retreat and Treat
Reliability and the retrieve
Selecting training Equipment
Selecting for vigour
Stopping Negative Behaviour
Tails - does a tail tell its own tail?
10 Tips for Problem Behaviour
Tired Dog - is a tired dog a good dog?
That Lazy Owner! That Reactive Dog!
Vicious Dogs/Violent Children : Double- Edged Sword
Vocalizations : Dog vocalizations
Why not take candy from a baby
Getting a Second Dog – Some things to think about
How to introduce dogs
Introducing a new dog to an exising dog
Introducing Dogs and Cats
Multi dog Households
Commands, Cues & Signals
ading food rewards
Lure and Reward Training
Positive Reinforcement
Punishment : learning about punishment from dogs.
Punishment has no place in the teaching phase
Pack Theory
Reinforcement Schedules
Rewards, lures and bribes
Rewards- the po
wer of social interaction as reward
Treats :Could Additives affect incidents of colon cancer
The Alpha Fallacy
The Dominance Controversy
Breeds used in therapy and the various therapies
Funda Nenja- Township Dog Initiative
How to train a therapy dog
Irwins - Toys for the Irwin's Dogs
Guide Dog Training
The Pollsmoore Prison Programme
Therapy Dogs -Paws for people
The Pleasure of a job well done
Dog is in the Detail
Guidelines for Teaching Sel