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re you betting on the wrong breeder?
Behavioural issues in pups bought from pet shops
Breeds less likely to develop separation anxiety
Breeds more prone to separation anxiety
- a must read!
Can dog litters have more than one father?
Choosing your puppy : Tips
Compatibility Chart
Disadvantages of adopting a Singleton puppy
Don't buy a purebred dog until you read this
Double Trouble - The Pitfalls of getting two puppies
Getting a 2nd dog - some things to think about
Good reasons to get a mutt
Internet pups - buying your pup via interne
ntroducing Your Puppy to Your Other Dog
Knowing the breed BEFORE you choose your puppy
Littermates - Placing Littermates in the same home
9 Most popular cross breeds
Puppies as presents
Plan for a successful homecoming
Psychological problems in pet store dogs
Probing the Pedigree
Puppy mills- the truth about Puppy Mills
Puppy Trade - Horrendous Cross Border Trade
Puppy Farms . Are you unwittingly supporting them?
Responsible Breeding - a must read!
Schnauzer Puppy Mill
Selecting Best Dog Names
Should you get a dog for your dog?
Slumdog or Millionaire?
The real cost of pet care
Truth About “Free to a Good Home” Dog Classifieds
Tips for the perfect dog names
Tips for Having Two Pups Together
The truth about crossbreed dogs
Tail Docking - does tail docking
Tails - do tails tell their own tail?
Top 10 Cross Breeds in SA
Why Knowing Your Dog's Breed Is Important
Why are pet adoption fees so expensive?
Why we need Purebred Dog Breeders
Does your home smell like a dogs toilet?
Puppy pads - the good and the bad
Toilet Training
- the golden rules
Teaching a pup to eliminate on paper
Withholding - a difficult housebreaking problem
Bite Inhibition - Teaching Bite Inhibition
Puppy Teeth - all you need to know
Chew Toy List
Chewing - Save the couch!
Common excuses for not socializing a pup
Crate Training
De-stressing your dog - providing stimulation
Dog Owners Beware: Ignoring can lead to injury/death
Doggy Day Care
DON"T take your pup or adolescent to a dog park
Feeding your pup from when it comes home
5 Things your dog wish you knew about picking him up
Honeymoon Period
Hugging your dog
I have a new pup- now what?
Introducing your puppy to his collar and lead
Kongs : 50 ways with a kong
My Puppy Won’t Walk on Leash!
Puppy Biting and Chewing
Puppy Teeth - all you need to know
Teaching Appropriate Chewing
Time Alone- Setting your puppy up for success
Toys – An Integral Part of Puppy Development
You and your pup - first few days
What to expect from puppy school
What can happen if you don't socialize your pup
Why do I need to get my pup used to different noises?
Whether you are looking for a Doggie Day Care, Boarding, Groomer or Puppy School in the Bryanston & surrounding areas, look no further - we have all you need!
Dog Park Etiquette
Critical Periods in your puppy's growth
Critical periods in your Puppy's growth part II
Canine Communication and Body Language Part 1
Canine Communication and Body Language Part II
Developmental stages - Puppies
It's all about adolescence
Puppy Personality Development
Back to Basics
Calming your dog down- How to
Come-Sit-Down -Stay
Commands, Cues & Signals
Getting your puppy used to different noises
Home Alone
How to teach fetch
Leave: Teaching your pup the LEAVE exercise
Problem Solving
Sit List
Teach your pup to shake paw
Time Alone
Can Large & Small Dogs Play Together Safely?
Do's and Don'ts Of Teaching Your Puppy Proper
Socialization Skills
Introducing dogs and cats
Loose dog, what should I do?
Socialization: The importance of socialization
What is puppy socialization classes
What can happen if you don't socialize your pup
What to expect from Puppy School
What Socialiazation is, and what it is not
Pyometra, save your dogs life and spay
Sterilization - is early sterilization an option
Sterilization - Dont want to steilize? Read this first
o Snip or Not To Snip
Really want to breed you dog?
Bark Collars
Collars -
Introducing your Puppy to his Collar
Collars- should my dog wear a collar at home?
Collars : Getting your pup used to the collar and Leash
Choke Chains
Choke Chains Revisited
Loose Lead Walking
My Puppy Won’t Walk on Leash!
Should my pup learn to wear a muzzle?
Take The Lead, Safely!
Free Play
School : The right school for your dog
Socialization : what is puppy socialization classes?
Training- how to choose the right trainer
hat to expect from Puppy School
Babies -Preparing your dog for new arrival
Contract for kids : I love my dog
Children and dogs - Basic Safety
Children - What's the best dog for kids?
Dogs and Children living in Harmony
Dog's benefits to children
Parents helping kids to get their dogs to behave
What's wrong with this cute pic of a baby & dog?
Why kids may get bitten & how dogs warn us
Coping with Pet Loss
Dealing with your dog dying
Euthanasia - What happens when it is time to say goodbye?
Farewell Fido-Helping kids to deal with pet loss
Losing your 'Best Friend'
The Anniversary Reaction
Are your dog's toys non-toxic
Cape Town-new website to reunite pets & owners
Car Harness - Putting one on
Daily Dog News
Dogs & Cats - different and the same
Entertainment for a dog left at home alone
Falling in Love.with a Dog: How It Changes Our Lives
Fireworks threaten Pets
Fireworks- SPCA guide to laws regarding Fireworks
Gardens - Pet Friendly Gardens
Germs & Bacteria on dog toys frightening!
uidelines for Responsible Pet Ownership
Help, our pup hates to be brushed
How does your dog choose its favourite person?
How long will my dog live?
Inappropriate and Appropriate dog play
Loving Your Dog Too Much
5 Things Your Dog Wishes You Knew About Picking Him Up
Pet Horoscope
Picking up Dogs Correctly
What to do when your dog is poisoned by criminals
Reducing and Getting rid of pet hair
Relationship Centered Training
Shedding Dogs
Should you get a dog for your dog?
10 tips for picking up dog hair
The Truth About Black Tongues
The Grumpy Old Dog Lady
Three reasons to get your dog a Puzzle Toy
Thunderstorms and Pyrotechnics
10 Easy Things You can Do to Make your Dog Happier
Toys, keeping the interest going
Xylitol - lethal - do you know what products have this?
Why does the look of pups in the same litter differ?
Clicker online course by Mary Woodward
Clicker How to have a Polite Puppy the Clicker Way
Loose Lead Walking Clicker Style
eaching your dog to do tricks
Trick training
Back to basics - the sit and the down
asic Instinct
Boredom - Preventing Boredom & Frustration
Being Your Dog's Leader is Key to Training
Body Language - learn to understand your dog
Collar Grabbing - a 'must teach'
Cues and Signals
Daily Training - The Key to Kibble
og Owner Survival Tips and Etiquette
ading food rewards
Fetch - teaching your dog to fetch
Free Play
General puppy training tips
Go Say Hi - 1,2,
Heeling - Teaching Heeling
How comfortable is my dog with other dogs?
How to raise a dog you can live with
How to get things out of your dogs mouth with no fight
Is it ok to let my dog on the bed?
Is it safe to use Vienna sausages as treats?
Jumping Up - Changing & Preventing
Loose Lead Walking
Lure and Reward Training
Lifestyle Training
aser Pointers - can I entertain my dog with laser?
Muzzles -should my pup wear a muzzle?
Nothing in Life is Free - NILF
Punishment has no place in the teaching phase
Place - teaching your dog to go to its place
Preventing Resource Guarding
Punishment has no place when teaching
Quick tips to increase confidence and decrease fear
Recall - Getting your dog to come reliably when called
Social Skills 101
Socialize - What can happen if you do and if you dont!
Swimming : Teaching a pup how to swim
Swimming, the 1- worst breeds
ake the Lead Safely!
Training - Hard to Train
Treats - can additives in hot dogs contribute to
Training -Why to train a puppy and how to go about it
Time Alone - Setting your pup up for success
he Sit List - what dogs cant do when sitting!
Tips for having 2 pups together
Top 40 pet tips
To tug or not to tug
Understanding Dog Training
Walking on lead
Walking - Getting the most our of your dogs walks?
Why should your dog tolerate ‘impolite’ behaviour?
Why your should teach the Watch Me exercise
Aggression Basics
Aggression in pups
Are they fighting or playing?
Biting-why dogs bite and how they warn us
Barking Mad - what to do about excessive barking
Barking - Excessive Barking
Barking Dogs
Chewing - Basic Instinct
Chewing - Save the couch, chew train your dog
Crying at Night - Is your puppy crying at night?
Chasing - Dogs chasing cars
Digging Dogs
Digging Problems
Does your pup need prozac?
Dog a Deer? Don't chase him!
Dog Attack - YouTube
Dog Bites - who is getting bitten and why?
Chewing -destructive chewing
Dealing with puppy tantrums
estructive Chewing
Destruction -Saving Your Home’s Contents From Your Pe
Dog Bites - preventing Dog Bites
Dog Bites - why dog bites are like tetris
ear and Agression in puppies
ear of people
Fear of the Vet
Help for common behaviour problems with Dr Dunbar
owling/ Barking - Stop your puppy from howling
e just wants to say Hi !
Hard to train
Inappropriate vocalization
t’s Mine! a.k.a Resource Guarding
Jumping up
Jumping up at visitors
Licking - do you know why your dog licks?
My puppy wont walk on lead!
My dog won’t leave the house
Nipping: why pups nip and what to do
Nipping : Puppies and dogs Nipping
eventing your puppy from Resource Guarding
Quick Tips to Increase Confidence
Resource Guarding - more on this topic
Scent Rolling
Separation anxiety - what you can do
Storm Fear -
On No – Storm Season Again!
Stopping Negative Behavior Positively
Saving Your Home’s Contents From Your Pet
antrums: How to deal with those puppy tantrums
Ten tips for Problem Behaviour
Top causes of excessive chewing
What does one do when your dog growls at you?
What to do when your dog eats poop
ones - what they mean to dogs
Feeding your puppy
Is it really necessary to feed a good quality food?
Nutrition - does what your dog eat affect behaviour?
The impact of nutrition on Canine Behaviour
Introducing your new dog to the existing pack
Puppies - It takes a pack to raise a puppy
Choosing a Kennel for your Dog
Kennel vs Home Care
Going on Holiday? -Plan for your pets
Emergencies - how to plan and prepare
First Aid - see Health Section
FURCODE - A new concept in ID disc's
elp - my dog has gone missing!
Holiday Dogs - Introducing dogs
Preventing and Treating Heatstroke in Dogs
What to do & who to contact if your dog goes missing
Can dogs smell hormonal changes?
Dogs read our intent -by Scienc
Do Dogs Dream?
Emotion: Do dogs feel Emotion?
GRRRRR....means many things in dogspeak
Your dog can talk to you
How dogs think
· ·
Dogs can recognize photos!
Senses : Are dogs colour blind?
Senses : Five ways that your dog senses the world
Touching : The benefits of touching your dog
The Physiology of dogs
The threat of stillness
Vision in Animals
Vocalizations : Dog vocalizations
What is your dog thinking
Your dog can talk to you
A Conversation with Robyn Hood
Aggression - Is TTouch of Value for Aggression?
Danilo: The Dog that brought TTouch to South Africa
Giving your Puppy the Magic Touch
Fear Behaviour and how TTouch can help
Giving your Puppy the magic touch
History of TTouch
Taking the Stress our of Toe Nail Trimming
Tension Patterns in Cats
Tension Patterns in Dogs
The Sensory Side of TTouch
There's Method in the Magic
Touch and Stress
et Medical Aid or Medical Insurance?
What is Pet Medical Insurance and How Does It Work?
Changing Medical Insurance - what to know about
What constitutes a pre-existing condition?
How to compare Pet Medical Insurance Policies
Understanding Pet Medical Insurance Policy Structure
How to decipher the terminology
Know Your Rights!
Why is it important not to purchase insurance based on the lowest premium?