If you happen to have a cross breed dog, you can find out the makeup of the breeds involved, and then see what these breeds say about you!
DNA tests are so simple to do, and undertaken in the comfort of your own home. Additionally, knowing the breeds involved will give you much more information as to why your dogs does the things he does, his social skills, health and genetic possible issues, and much more. www.muttmix.co.za |
What your favourite dog breed says about you
(A really great site, do have a look when you can)
While most dog lovers love all dogs, we’d be lying if we said that we didn’t secretly (or in some cases, not so secretly) have a favorite. It’s not that we are selective, but it’s just that certain dog breeds pull at our heartstrings a little bit more than others. With our favorite breed often comes stereotypes, and certain characteristics that many owners hold true. To have a little fun, we’ve come up with a list of some popular dog breeds–so now you can see what your favorite dog breed says about you!
Golden Retriever
For Golden lovers, you are as friendly as can be. Typically you mesh well with all types of people, and you are always happy to meet someone new–because you have no doubt that you will get along as you’re openminded! You would do anything for your family or friends, because that’s the just the sort of kindhearted person you are. |
You are highly intelligent and protective of those you love. Sometimes people are quick to judge you, but really it’s because they just don’t understand you the way others do. To some people, you can come off as a bit intimidating–but if they were to get to know you, they would see that you’re a total sweetheart deep down. |
You love meeting new people, and you are well-received by others. Sometimes people might think you have an air about you, and you exude confidence–especially in the way that you walk. But don’t let that refined nature be deceiving, you know exactly how to let your hair down and have a good time. |
Chihuahua Regardless if you are male or female, you have a big personality that can take up a whole room. You can be a bit bossy, but you don’t mean to be! You also have no problems sticking up for yourself or taking charge. If someone hurts your feelings, you can get pretty defensive about it–and snap! So others definitely don’t want to get on your bad side. |
Labrador Retriever
It’s easy for people to let their guard down around you, because you have an inviting personality. You don’t take life too seriously, and enjoy taking each day at a time. People know that you’re calm, cool and collected, and you don’t let the little things bring you down. |
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Being alone for extended periods of time is not for you, because you can become lonely easily. You wouldn’t say that you are shy, but you are naturally reserved around those that you do not know. For those that you do, you are very loving–even when you are a bit neurotic at times. |
Pit Bull You don’t judge others because you know exactly how it feels to be unfairly judged. Gentle when you need to be, and tough when you have to be, you are great at assessing situations. For those who judge you they should know, you don’t have a mean bone in your entire body–because you’re a lover, not a fighter. |
You are a natural born leader, strong, and have no problems showing others the way. Strong-willed and undoubtedly determined, you have no problems getting what you want in life–because you can do it all by yourself! Being active is very much your thing, because you’re not one to be known as a couch potato. |
Mixed Breed There are no frills about you, and you enjoy living life to the fullest. Spontaneity is your thing, and you don’t like to plan things too far in advance… because you may change your mind when it comes down to it. You have an undeniable pizzaz about you that draws people to you, and you have the ability to make friends with all types of people easily. |
You are charismatic and have a very laid-back personality. You’re not a materialistic person whatsoever, and you enjoy just hanging out with family and friends. You’ve got a great sense of humor and can mesh with just about anybody–but don’t let the niceness fool anyone, you definitely have an occasional grouchy side. |
Border Collie
Lovable with endless energy, you are not one to sit around on the couch watching TV for hours on end. You prefer to keep yourself busy or entertained, and you aren’t afraid to work for something that you want in life. People like you for many reasons, and you pride yourself on your smarts. |