Distance Kinesiology
About the author: Fanny Lacroix is a kinesiologist specialising in animals working in the Western Cape. She qualified as a Canine and Equine Kinesiologist through the Specialised Kinesiology College of South Africa. As a result, she works mostly with dogs and horses, but so far, her clients have also included a cat and a parrot. She is keen to adapt her skills and knowledge to help other species. Fanny is also a human kinesiologist and is available to work with the animals’ owners if necessary, as addressing any potential stress within the human family unit will greatly contribute to promoting the animal’s well-being and happiness, as well as to enhancing the animal-owner relationship. To contact Fanny:- Cell: 0829295215 Email: [email protected] |
- Article on Kinesiology and canine wellness - tells you what Kinesiology does and how it works and how effective at reducing stress
If you would like your dog to benefit from a kinesiology balance, but are unable to travel or to arrange for a home session, distance kinesiology is a powerful alternative.
Because kinesiology works with the energy body, the dog’s presence is not compulsory. All that is needed is a human surrogate and some of your dog’s hair. Why hair? Hair is an extension of the nervous system. It can be seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly evolved “feelers” or “antennae”, that transmit vast amounts of important information to the brain stem, the limbic system and the neo-cortex. As a result, it can be used as an energetic alternative in the context of a distance kinesiology session.
After the practitioner has taken a thorough history of the issue, either over the phone or via email, the balance itself can take place as per the scheduled date. The hair is placed on the human surrogate, who will then stand in for the animal from an energetic perspective. Ideally, the surrogate should be the dog’s owner, or another person who has a close relationship with the dog, but if this isn’t an option ̶ and it likely isn’t, if you have chosen distance kinesiology ̶ a surrogate will be organised for you. The kinesiologist then performs the relevant muscle testing to find out which corrections are needed. It is very helpful if you, as the dog’s owner, can be available telephonically to discuss the emotions and other information that come up during the balance.
So if you think your dog would benefit from a distance kinesiology treatment, remember to put some hair aside next time you groom it.
Because kinesiology works with the energy body, the dog’s presence is not compulsory. All that is needed is a human surrogate and some of your dog’s hair. Why hair? Hair is an extension of the nervous system. It can be seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly evolved “feelers” or “antennae”, that transmit vast amounts of important information to the brain stem, the limbic system and the neo-cortex. As a result, it can be used as an energetic alternative in the context of a distance kinesiology session.
After the practitioner has taken a thorough history of the issue, either over the phone or via email, the balance itself can take place as per the scheduled date. The hair is placed on the human surrogate, who will then stand in for the animal from an energetic perspective. Ideally, the surrogate should be the dog’s owner, or another person who has a close relationship with the dog, but if this isn’t an option ̶ and it likely isn’t, if you have chosen distance kinesiology ̶ a surrogate will be organised for you. The kinesiologist then performs the relevant muscle testing to find out which corrections are needed. It is very helpful if you, as the dog’s owner, can be available telephonically to discuss the emotions and other information that come up during the balance.
So if you think your dog would benefit from a distance kinesiology treatment, remember to put some hair aside next time you groom it.