What is Tellington TTouch?
Visit www.ttouch.co.za for more information on this wonderful modality which every single animal’s owner should learn, and to find a practitioner near you.
Tellington TTouch is a holistic and gentle approach to both Behavioural and Health problems in animals, which uses a combination of circles, lifts and slides which help to activate neural pathways to the brain and improve the function of the cells. Using the TTouch, assists in changing old habits and patterns.

(Linda at a workshop for CLAWS)
The Tellington Touch was developed by internationally known animal expert Linda Tellington-Jones 30 years ago. Based on co-operation and understanding, these techniques promote performance and health with no force or fear – TTouch is completely non-invasive. Recognized worldwide, this method is easy to use and brings about quick and lasting results. It is being used worldwide by animal owners, Zoo’s, shelters, breeders and veterinarians in over 30 countries around the world. Linda is the author of ‘Getting in Touch with your Dog’, Getting in Touch with your Cat’ and numerous other books.
The Touch enables the animal to think, rather than reacting by instinct. Instead of the habitual ‘fight, fright, freeze or fooling around’ the animal is able to evaluate the situation and act accordingly. When the Touch is done properly, it generates all four brain wave patterns in the animals receiving it;- alpha, beta, theta and delta. The Touches result in a release of tension, an increase in body awareness as well as self-control. It allows for learning to take place. Where injury or surgery are concerned, it speeds up the healing process.
TTouch also incorporates Groundwork, which is very much like a Confidence Course, except that it is done slowly. When we move slowly the nervous system pays more attention to what it is doing - uses different parts of the brain and it uses different muscles. The Groundwork allows a dog to explore non-habitual ways of moving, increases co-ordination, promotes confidence and improves balance. Movement increases propriceptive input = awareness of where your body parts are in space – proprioceptive input increase dopamine (neuro-transmitter which helps influence emotional state).
TTouch is not just for animals who have any health or behavioural problems, it deepens the bond between you and your animal. Instead of just giving your animal the usual ‘pat’, you can now give attention knowing that you are imparting so much more! Where dogs are used in different modulaties such as obedience work and agility, the Touch work will benefit them greatly as well.
Some of the many areas where TTouch can be of benefit
The Tellington Touch was developed by internationally known animal expert Linda Tellington-Jones 30 years ago. Based on co-operation and understanding, these techniques promote performance and health with no force or fear – TTouch is completely non-invasive. Recognized worldwide, this method is easy to use and brings about quick and lasting results. It is being used worldwide by animal owners, Zoo’s, shelters, breeders and veterinarians in over 30 countries around the world. Linda is the author of ‘Getting in Touch with your Dog’, Getting in Touch with your Cat’ and numerous other books.
The Touch enables the animal to think, rather than reacting by instinct. Instead of the habitual ‘fight, fright, freeze or fooling around’ the animal is able to evaluate the situation and act accordingly. When the Touch is done properly, it generates all four brain wave patterns in the animals receiving it;- alpha, beta, theta and delta. The Touches result in a release of tension, an increase in body awareness as well as self-control. It allows for learning to take place. Where injury or surgery are concerned, it speeds up the healing process.
TTouch also incorporates Groundwork, which is very much like a Confidence Course, except that it is done slowly. When we move slowly the nervous system pays more attention to what it is doing - uses different parts of the brain and it uses different muscles. The Groundwork allows a dog to explore non-habitual ways of moving, increases co-ordination, promotes confidence and improves balance. Movement increases propriceptive input = awareness of where your body parts are in space – proprioceptive input increase dopamine (neuro-transmitter which helps influence emotional state).
TTouch is not just for animals who have any health or behavioural problems, it deepens the bond between you and your animal. Instead of just giving your animal the usual ‘pat’, you can now give attention knowing that you are imparting so much more! Where dogs are used in different modulaties such as obedience work and agility, the Touch work will benefit them greatly as well.
Some of the many areas where TTouch can be of benefit
The Touch enables the animal to think, rather than reacting by instinct. Instead of the habitual ‘fight, fright, freeze or fooling around’ the animal is able to evaluate the situation and act accordingly. When the Touch is done properly, it generates all four brain wave patterns in the animals receiving it;- alpha, beta, theta and delta. The Touches result in a release of tension, an increase in body awareness as well as self-control. It allows for learning to take place. Where injury or surgery are concerned, it speeds up the healing process.
TTouch also incorporates Groundwork, which is very much like a Confidence Course, except that it is done slowly. When we move slowly the nervous system pays more attention to what it is doing - uses different parts of the brain and it uses different muscles. The Groundwork allows a dog to explore non-habitual ways of moving, increases co-ordination, promotes confidence and improves balance. Movement increases propriceptive input = awareness of where your body parts are in space – proprioceptive input increase dopamine (neuro-transmitter which helps influence emotional state).
TTouch is not just for animals who have any health or behavioural problems, it deepens the bond between you and your animal. Instead of just giving your animal the usual ‘pat’, you can now give attention knowing that you are imparting so much more! Where dogs are used in different modulaties such as obedience work and agility, the Touch work will benefit them greatly as well.
Some of the many areas where TTouch can be of benefit
The Tellington Touch was developed by internationally known animal expert Linda Tellington-Jones 30 years ago. Based on co-operation and understanding, these techniques promote performance and health with no force or fear – TTouch is completely non-invasive. Recognized worldwide, this method is easy to use and brings about quick and lasting results. It is being used worldwide by animal owners, Zoo’s, shelters, breeders and veterinarians in over 30 countries around the world. Linda is the author of ‘Getting in Touch with your Dog’, Getting in Touch with your Cat’ and numerous other books.
The Touch enables the animal to think, rather than reacting by instinct. Instead of the habitual ‘fight, fright, freeze or fooling around’ the animal is able to evaluate the situation and act accordingly. When the Touch is done properly, it generates all four brain wave patterns in the animals receiving it;- alpha, beta, theta and delta. The Touches result in a release of tension, an increase in body awareness as well as self-control. It allows for learning to take place. Where injury or surgery are concerned, it speeds up the healing process.
TTouch also incorporates Groundwork, which is very much like a Confidence Course, except that it is done slowly. When we move slowly the nervous system pays more attention to what it is doing - uses different parts of the brain and it uses different muscles. The Groundwork allows a dog to explore non-habitual ways of moving, increases co-ordination, promotes confidence and improves balance. Movement increases propriceptive input = awareness of where your body parts are in space – proprioceptive input increase dopamine (neuro-transmitter which helps influence emotional state).
TTouch is not just for animals who have any health or behavioural problems, it deepens the bond between you and your animal. Instead of just giving your animal the usual ‘pat’, you can now give attention knowing that you are imparting so much more! Where dogs are used in different modulaties such as obedience work and agility, the Touch work will benefit them greatly as well.
Some of the many areas where TTouch can be of benefit
- Dislike of being touched
- Fear Biting
- Fear of loud noises and thunder
- Car sickness
- Health Issues
- Jumping up
- Timidity
- Lack of confidence
- Resistance to grooming and nail clipping
- Lack of concentration
- Gait irrigularities
- Arthritis
- Amputations
- Excessive chewing
- Depression
- Speeds up healing
- Nervousness
- Aggression to other dogs and people
- Fear of car
- Training difficulties
- Leash pulling
- Reluctance to socialise
- Over excited
- Excessive barking
- Poor performance
- Hyperactivity
- Hip dysplasia
- Depression
- Pining
- Aging