Understanding Dogs
The Dog's Senses, smell, sight, hearing, taste, touch. The Psychology of Dogs Emotions. The importance of dogs to humans
Understanding Dogs
5F's of Behaviour. How dogs communicate. Body Language - Calming signals and signs of stress. Signs of possible reactive behaviour. Video on body language. Wolves interacting
Understanding Dogs
Can amputation of a tail affect a dogs behaviour and calming signals? How humans can misunderstand dogs behaviour. How misconceptions could have arisen.
Understanding Dogs
Development Stages
Understanding Dogs
Emotional Intelligence
Development Behaviour Modification Theories
From wolf to dog. Pack rule theories
Canine Development Theory
Socialization & Habituation. Location Separation Anxiety
Canine Learning Theory
How dogs learn. 4 Pillars of Learning. Lure and Reward. Fading the reward. Cue's, Signals, commands. Other training methods
Breeds and Breed Related
Nature or Nurture. Breeds that are not always compatible. Breed Groups. Temperament Puppy Testing. Canine Genetic Disease Testing. DNA Testing. Breed Characteristics. Additional Breed knowledge. Hypo Allergenic Dogs. Oldest Dog Breeds. Extreme dog breeding-changes seen in dogs over past 100 years. Unusual & Rare Dog Breeds. Conclusion - why we need breeders of pure bred dogs.
Considerations for Owners
Considerations when acquiring a dog. General. Points for clients to consider. Owners Responsibility. Choosing the breed
Multi dog households
Multi dog households. Where to purchase a pup. One or two pups - Tips for two pups. Singleton pups
Puppy Theory
Auditory habituation, picking pups up, grooming and handling
Puppy Theory
Puppy Theory
Crate Training
Puppy Theory
Puppy Theory
Chewing and Toys
Puppy Theory
Exercise and pups. Free Play, Puppy School
Puppy Theory
Kennels or Home Care?; Teaching a Pup to swim; Dogs in Complexes; Car Sickness; Doggy Day Care
Children and Dogs
General ; Preparing the child for interacting with dogs ; Preparing the dog to interact with children ; Approaching strange dogs ; Parents helping the children and dogs to be successful ; In the case of a possible dog attack ; What is the best dog for kids?
Preparing an existing dog for the arrival of a baby. Video
Preparing the Home
Planning for a successful homecoming. Making the home safe
After the pup comes home
The first few days – General & Sleeping. Introducing the pup to existing dogs
After the pup comes home
Toilet Training. Bladder Development and Control. Accidents in Toilet Training and Cleaning. Scent Rolling. Feeding the pup. How much & how often. Food Bowl Exercises. Furniture
Exercises 1
Pup Theory - Dealing with Tantrums. Calming the pup down. Putting on a Collar and Lead. Collars vs Harness
Exercises 2
Bite Inhibition and Related Exercises. Mouthing. Nipping. Leave. Swap
Exercises 3
Tips - How to Reward a pup.. Fading. General exercise points Sit Exercise. Down. Stand Exercise. Recalls. Watch. Collar Grabbing. Off . Finished. Beginner Wait Gate Exercise. Preventing Pulling. Name Check .Bite Inhibition. Swap Exercise Leave Excite/Settle Elevation Exercise. Some notes on adult dogs
House Rules
General and ‘Packs’. Ignoring your dog when arriving home. Attention on your terms. Work to earn-general. Work to Earn - specific. NRM/RM
Prevention of separation anxiety. Preventing Resource Guarding. Preventing Jumping Up
Preventing excessive barking. Preventing digging in inappropriate areas. Preventing Begging
Preventing excessive Licking. Handling your pup safely. Dealing with 2 pups together
Plan for a Successful Homecoming : How to make the home safer : Introducing a pup to existing dogs
Article relating to behaviour changes/sterilization
Behaviour Modification Theory
How Stress, Arousal and Over Arousal Works. Triggers, Trigger Stacking, and various other aspects relating to stress in dogs
Behaviour Modification Theory
Behaviour Modification Techniques - Watch, LAT, BAT (Behaviour Adjustment Training), Premack Principle, Treat and Retreat.
Behaviour Modification Theory
Systematic Desensitization and all the theory related to Desensitising and Counter Conditioning
Behaviour Modification Theory
Classical and Operant Conditioning, Thorndyks Law of Effect, BF Skinnes and the Skinner Box, ABC of Learning, Punishment, Extinction, 4 Quadrants of Learning, Aversives, Reinforces, Reinforcement Schedules, Timing, Fluency, learning Plateau, Flooding
Behaviour Modification Theory
Behaviour Terminology common used including the Ethological Approach
Mental & Physical Stimulation
Mental and Physical Stimulation
The various types of collars, leads and harnesses are discussed
Muzzles. - The Pro's and Con's. Desensitizing a dog correctly to the use of same.
House Rules
Bringing in the foundations to change unacceptable behaviour and put in place a solid foundation for a well behaved dog, using various tools and methods.
House Rules
Exceptions - Although House Rules are crucial, there are times when not all are used, dependent on the behaviour concern being experienced and the personality of the dog being worked with.
Why Behaviour Problems Develop
Dog’s Needs. Possible contributing causes of problem behaviour. Pain or Illness. Fear. Selection. Social. Training. Changes in environment or circumstances. Exercise and Life Spaces. Stimulation and Enrichment. Additional factors regarding problem behaviour to be considered. More factors with reference to interaction between dog and owner/s. Lack of behaviour.
Behaviour Modification - Preparing for the arrival of a baby.
Questionnaire for client to highlight potential problems and concerns. The A - Z of getting a dog prepared for the arrival of a baby to the home and how to do about same.
Behaviour Modification - Jumping up
Reasons why this occurs and how to change the behaviour using a variety of tools and methods
Behaviour Modification - Lead Pulling
The various reasons as to why this occurs and the tools and methods used to change the behaviour
Behaviour Modification - Lead Pulling - Head Halters
The pro's and Cons of Head Halters. Desensitizing a dog to a Head Halter - How to use a Head Halter
Behaviour Modification - Attention Seeking
Reasons this behaviour occurs - Modification to change the behaviour. Attention Seeking Behaviour with outside dogs.
Behaviour Modification - Over Attachment
Over Attachment - to both people and dogs
Why this behaviour happens. Modifications to change the behaviour
Behaviour Modification -Separation Anxiety
Definition : Vet Assistance : Degrees, Examples and Signs of Separation Anxiety : Why & How does Separation Anxiety develop? Owners Interaction with dog : Management of dog being left alone : TTouch : Management of destruction : Building confidence and coping skills : Modifications.
Behaviour Modification - Elimination and Ingestion Problems
Reasons as to why these problems occur and the tools and modifications required to change the behaviour - includes Counter Stealing, Pica, Philia and Coprophagia.
Behaviour Modification - Adult Feeding
changing to adult food, Feeding Principles, Avoiding Feeding Problems, Feeding problems and changing same.
Behaviour Modification - Mouthing & Nipping
General : What Causes and Contributes to this behaviour? Modifications : What not to do
Behaviour Modification - Introducing New Dog
Existing dogs. Considerations for owners. Behaviour Concerns in existing dogs
Preparing the existing dog for the arrival of the new dog. Initial introduction at the shelter/breeder/etc. Introducing slightly reactive dogs, or dogs that may be reactive to dogs on walks. First few days at home
Behaviour Modification - Introducing Dogs & Cats
Adopting a dog when you have a cat at home - Planning before the dog is even chosen. Adopting a Dog when you have cat/s at home – in the shelter environment. Adopting a cat when you have dog/s at home:
Behaviour Modification - Fear Behaviour Aduletogs
General : Physical Reactions to Fear : Causes of Fear in Dogs : Long Term Fear/Stress
Behaviour Modification - Dogs Fearful of People- Visitors Exercise
Preparation before session. Preparation at session. Visitor Exercise – step by step. Using a muzzle. Visitor entering the home. Visitor leaving the home. Homework for client
Behaviour Modification - Dogs Fearful of People - Further Examples
Dogs that charge up to gate. If the dog is fearful of people and resource guarding the owner. When a dog is fearful of men (or woman). Dogs that cant cope with the Visitor exercise on lead
Behaviour Modification - Dogs that have shut down
General. Signs that a dog has shut down. Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Storm Fear - Brontophobia
General : What causes this condition? : Can this condition be prevented ? Is this condition genetic : What age does it start? Signs of Storm Fear : Modifications Standard : Further Modifications : Medication
Behaviour Modification - Fear of Fireworks and Noises
What causes the fear. Can this be prevented?. What age does it start? Signs of Noise fear. Modifications. Counter Conditioning & Desensitizing
Behaviour Modification - Storm and Noise Fear
General. What causes the fear. Can this be prevented? What age does it start? Signs of Noise fear. Modifications. Counter Conditioning & Desensitizing
Behaviour Modification - Car Sickness & Fear of Car
What Causes Car Sickness. Signs of Motion Sickness. Prevention methods. Fear of the Car. what causes fear of the car? Modifications for fear of the car – Extreme. Modifications for fear of the car - General. Dogs going nuts in the car
Behaviour Modification - Excessive Digging
General : Modification : Breed Related Digging
Behaviour Modification - Sexual Behaviour
General and Causes : Medical Reasons : Masturbation : Dogs Humping People : Dogs Humping Dogs : Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Excessive Barking
General. Different types of barks. Owners Reactions, Triggers and Preparation. Different Scenarios and Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Resource Guarding
What is this? : Why does this behaviour occur? : Modifications : Dog guarding food bowls/objects towards other dogs : Dogs guarding food bowls /objects towards people : Other modifications that can be done : Resource Guarding People
Behaviour Modification - Dog to Dog Resource Guarding
Reasons why this may have occurred, various scenarios and modifications to change
Behaviour Modification - Hyperactive Behaviour
General. Factors that could contribute to the behaviour. Modifications. Prevention
Behaviour Modification - Chasing Behaviour
What is Prey Drive and which Breeds/Groups are prone to exhibit same? Why does excessive chasing occur?
Stress and Triggers. Preparation. Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Escape Artist
General. Reasons why behaviour occurs. Types of escaping that can be found and management of same. Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Abnormal Behaviour
Classification of Abnormal Behaviour. Possible causes of this behaviour. Behaviours Exhibited. Breed Specific
Behaviour Modification - Aggressive/Reactive Behaviour
General. Types of Reactive Behaviour. Causes/Possible Causes. Dr Dunbar’s Bite Scale/Ratio. Signs of Reactive Behaviour. Stopping Dog Fights
Behaviour Modification - Aggression and Hormones
Behaviour Modification - Gate/Fence Aggression
Gate/ Fence Behaviour in General. Rule out Medical Causes. Reasons for this behaviour. Prevention of this behaviour and modifications
Behaviour Modification - On-Lead Aggression
General. Reasons this behaviour may develop. Modifications. Reminders of Body Language to look out for.
Behaviour Modification -Behaviour Changes in Older Dog
General. The behaviours that are likely to occur
Death and Dying
Signs a dog may be dying. Making the decision. What to expect when your dog is put to sleep – euthanasia. Helping children cope with pet loss. Should I get another dog?
The Dog's Senses, smell, sight, hearing, taste, touch. The Psychology of Dogs Emotions. The importance of dogs to humans
Understanding Dogs
5F's of Behaviour. How dogs communicate. Body Language - Calming signals and signs of stress. Signs of possible reactive behaviour. Video on body language. Wolves interacting
Understanding Dogs
Can amputation of a tail affect a dogs behaviour and calming signals? How humans can misunderstand dogs behaviour. How misconceptions could have arisen.
Understanding Dogs
Development Stages
Understanding Dogs
Emotional Intelligence
Development Behaviour Modification Theories
From wolf to dog. Pack rule theories
Canine Development Theory
Socialization & Habituation. Location Separation Anxiety
Canine Learning Theory
How dogs learn. 4 Pillars of Learning. Lure and Reward. Fading the reward. Cue's, Signals, commands. Other training methods
Breeds and Breed Related
Nature or Nurture. Breeds that are not always compatible. Breed Groups. Temperament Puppy Testing. Canine Genetic Disease Testing. DNA Testing. Breed Characteristics. Additional Breed knowledge. Hypo Allergenic Dogs. Oldest Dog Breeds. Extreme dog breeding-changes seen in dogs over past 100 years. Unusual & Rare Dog Breeds. Conclusion - why we need breeders of pure bred dogs.
Considerations for Owners
Considerations when acquiring a dog. General. Points for clients to consider. Owners Responsibility. Choosing the breed
Multi dog households
Multi dog households. Where to purchase a pup. One or two pups - Tips for two pups. Singleton pups
Puppy Theory
Auditory habituation, picking pups up, grooming and handling
Puppy Theory
Puppy Theory
Crate Training
Puppy Theory
Puppy Theory
Chewing and Toys
Puppy Theory
Exercise and pups. Free Play, Puppy School
Puppy Theory
Kennels or Home Care?; Teaching a Pup to swim; Dogs in Complexes; Car Sickness; Doggy Day Care
Children and Dogs
General ; Preparing the child for interacting with dogs ; Preparing the dog to interact with children ; Approaching strange dogs ; Parents helping the children and dogs to be successful ; In the case of a possible dog attack ; What is the best dog for kids?
Preparing an existing dog for the arrival of a baby. Video
Preparing the Home
Planning for a successful homecoming. Making the home safe
After the pup comes home
The first few days – General & Sleeping. Introducing the pup to existing dogs
After the pup comes home
Toilet Training. Bladder Development and Control. Accidents in Toilet Training and Cleaning. Scent Rolling. Feeding the pup. How much & how often. Food Bowl Exercises. Furniture
Exercises 1
Pup Theory - Dealing with Tantrums. Calming the pup down. Putting on a Collar and Lead. Collars vs Harness
Exercises 2
Bite Inhibition and Related Exercises. Mouthing. Nipping. Leave. Swap
Exercises 3
Tips - How to Reward a pup.. Fading. General exercise points Sit Exercise. Down. Stand Exercise. Recalls. Watch. Collar Grabbing. Off . Finished. Beginner Wait Gate Exercise. Preventing Pulling. Name Check .Bite Inhibition. Swap Exercise Leave Excite/Settle Elevation Exercise. Some notes on adult dogs
House Rules
General and ‘Packs’. Ignoring your dog when arriving home. Attention on your terms. Work to earn-general. Work to Earn - specific. NRM/RM
Prevention of separation anxiety. Preventing Resource Guarding. Preventing Jumping Up
Preventing excessive barking. Preventing digging in inappropriate areas. Preventing Begging
Preventing excessive Licking. Handling your pup safely. Dealing with 2 pups together
Plan for a Successful Homecoming : How to make the home safer : Introducing a pup to existing dogs
Article relating to behaviour changes/sterilization
Behaviour Modification Theory
How Stress, Arousal and Over Arousal Works. Triggers, Trigger Stacking, and various other aspects relating to stress in dogs
Behaviour Modification Theory
Behaviour Modification Techniques - Watch, LAT, BAT (Behaviour Adjustment Training), Premack Principle, Treat and Retreat.
Behaviour Modification Theory
Systematic Desensitization and all the theory related to Desensitising and Counter Conditioning
Behaviour Modification Theory
Classical and Operant Conditioning, Thorndyks Law of Effect, BF Skinnes and the Skinner Box, ABC of Learning, Punishment, Extinction, 4 Quadrants of Learning, Aversives, Reinforces, Reinforcement Schedules, Timing, Fluency, learning Plateau, Flooding
Behaviour Modification Theory
Behaviour Terminology common used including the Ethological Approach
Mental & Physical Stimulation
Mental and Physical Stimulation
The various types of collars, leads and harnesses are discussed
Muzzles. - The Pro's and Con's. Desensitizing a dog correctly to the use of same.
House Rules
Bringing in the foundations to change unacceptable behaviour and put in place a solid foundation for a well behaved dog, using various tools and methods.
House Rules
Exceptions - Although House Rules are crucial, there are times when not all are used, dependent on the behaviour concern being experienced and the personality of the dog being worked with.
Why Behaviour Problems Develop
Dog’s Needs. Possible contributing causes of problem behaviour. Pain or Illness. Fear. Selection. Social. Training. Changes in environment or circumstances. Exercise and Life Spaces. Stimulation and Enrichment. Additional factors regarding problem behaviour to be considered. More factors with reference to interaction between dog and owner/s. Lack of behaviour.
Behaviour Modification - Preparing for the arrival of a baby.
Questionnaire for client to highlight potential problems and concerns. The A - Z of getting a dog prepared for the arrival of a baby to the home and how to do about same.
Behaviour Modification - Jumping up
Reasons why this occurs and how to change the behaviour using a variety of tools and methods
Behaviour Modification - Lead Pulling
The various reasons as to why this occurs and the tools and methods used to change the behaviour
Behaviour Modification - Lead Pulling - Head Halters
The pro's and Cons of Head Halters. Desensitizing a dog to a Head Halter - How to use a Head Halter
Behaviour Modification - Attention Seeking
Reasons this behaviour occurs - Modification to change the behaviour. Attention Seeking Behaviour with outside dogs.
Behaviour Modification - Over Attachment
Over Attachment - to both people and dogs
Why this behaviour happens. Modifications to change the behaviour
Behaviour Modification -Separation Anxiety
Definition : Vet Assistance : Degrees, Examples and Signs of Separation Anxiety : Why & How does Separation Anxiety develop? Owners Interaction with dog : Management of dog being left alone : TTouch : Management of destruction : Building confidence and coping skills : Modifications.
Behaviour Modification - Elimination and Ingestion Problems
Reasons as to why these problems occur and the tools and modifications required to change the behaviour - includes Counter Stealing, Pica, Philia and Coprophagia.
Behaviour Modification - Adult Feeding
changing to adult food, Feeding Principles, Avoiding Feeding Problems, Feeding problems and changing same.
Behaviour Modification - Mouthing & Nipping
General : What Causes and Contributes to this behaviour? Modifications : What not to do
Behaviour Modification - Introducing New Dog
Existing dogs. Considerations for owners. Behaviour Concerns in existing dogs
Preparing the existing dog for the arrival of the new dog. Initial introduction at the shelter/breeder/etc. Introducing slightly reactive dogs, or dogs that may be reactive to dogs on walks. First few days at home
Behaviour Modification - Introducing Dogs & Cats
Adopting a dog when you have a cat at home - Planning before the dog is even chosen. Adopting a Dog when you have cat/s at home – in the shelter environment. Adopting a cat when you have dog/s at home:
Behaviour Modification - Fear Behaviour Aduletogs
General : Physical Reactions to Fear : Causes of Fear in Dogs : Long Term Fear/Stress
Behaviour Modification - Dogs Fearful of People- Visitors Exercise
Preparation before session. Preparation at session. Visitor Exercise – step by step. Using a muzzle. Visitor entering the home. Visitor leaving the home. Homework for client
Behaviour Modification - Dogs Fearful of People - Further Examples
Dogs that charge up to gate. If the dog is fearful of people and resource guarding the owner. When a dog is fearful of men (or woman). Dogs that cant cope with the Visitor exercise on lead
Behaviour Modification - Dogs that have shut down
General. Signs that a dog has shut down. Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Storm Fear - Brontophobia
General : What causes this condition? : Can this condition be prevented ? Is this condition genetic : What age does it start? Signs of Storm Fear : Modifications Standard : Further Modifications : Medication
Behaviour Modification - Fear of Fireworks and Noises
What causes the fear. Can this be prevented?. What age does it start? Signs of Noise fear. Modifications. Counter Conditioning & Desensitizing
Behaviour Modification - Storm and Noise Fear
General. What causes the fear. Can this be prevented? What age does it start? Signs of Noise fear. Modifications. Counter Conditioning & Desensitizing
Behaviour Modification - Car Sickness & Fear of Car
What Causes Car Sickness. Signs of Motion Sickness. Prevention methods. Fear of the Car. what causes fear of the car? Modifications for fear of the car – Extreme. Modifications for fear of the car - General. Dogs going nuts in the car
Behaviour Modification - Excessive Digging
General : Modification : Breed Related Digging
Behaviour Modification - Sexual Behaviour
General and Causes : Medical Reasons : Masturbation : Dogs Humping People : Dogs Humping Dogs : Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Excessive Barking
General. Different types of barks. Owners Reactions, Triggers and Preparation. Different Scenarios and Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Resource Guarding
What is this? : Why does this behaviour occur? : Modifications : Dog guarding food bowls/objects towards other dogs : Dogs guarding food bowls /objects towards people : Other modifications that can be done : Resource Guarding People
Behaviour Modification - Dog to Dog Resource Guarding
Reasons why this may have occurred, various scenarios and modifications to change
Behaviour Modification - Hyperactive Behaviour
General. Factors that could contribute to the behaviour. Modifications. Prevention
Behaviour Modification - Chasing Behaviour
What is Prey Drive and which Breeds/Groups are prone to exhibit same? Why does excessive chasing occur?
Stress and Triggers. Preparation. Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Escape Artist
General. Reasons why behaviour occurs. Types of escaping that can be found and management of same. Modifications
Behaviour Modification - Abnormal Behaviour
Classification of Abnormal Behaviour. Possible causes of this behaviour. Behaviours Exhibited. Breed Specific
Behaviour Modification - Aggressive/Reactive Behaviour
General. Types of Reactive Behaviour. Causes/Possible Causes. Dr Dunbar’s Bite Scale/Ratio. Signs of Reactive Behaviour. Stopping Dog Fights
Behaviour Modification - Aggression and Hormones
Behaviour Modification - Gate/Fence Aggression
Gate/ Fence Behaviour in General. Rule out Medical Causes. Reasons for this behaviour. Prevention of this behaviour and modifications
Behaviour Modification - On-Lead Aggression
General. Reasons this behaviour may develop. Modifications. Reminders of Body Language to look out for.
Behaviour Modification -Behaviour Changes in Older Dog
General. The behaviours that are likely to occur
Death and Dying
Signs a dog may be dying. Making the decision. What to expect when your dog is put to sleep – euthanasia. Helping children cope with pet loss. Should I get another dog?