Taking things, Running away and Destruction
By Carole O’Leary Mem B.I.P.D.T. Hons) Animal Behaviour Consultant (ABC of SA™) (Cn.Fe.Eq.Av.)

Nothing is more irritating than seeing your dog make a successful grab for your precious item then dashing off with it, at a speed you have no hope of matching, and, don’t you just know, if you ever see the item again, it will be in useless pieces!
Oops! Why did it happen & Oh Dear, this habit seems to get worse. Well every time you chase your dog you are telling him that he is Boss – Leaders lead, underlings follow! And in any case he is faster than you! No doubt you shouted, wow, that really puts excitement in the game. If we run at a dog and shout when he takes something, the dog thinks we are going to try to get HIS possession – after all, he found it! If you were to catch him, dog not being stupid knows full well that he’s in for a thrashing!
Let’s turn this around.
Your dog should have been taught to ‘Come’ as a pup. Never punish a dog is it comes to you no matter what he has done wrong. In dog logic, he came to you, doing as you asked, you cannot punish for what happened before he came.
Any attempt your pup/dog makes to carry or hold ANYTHING (his toy or your best shoe) he must be praised. This way he learns that it is safe to hold in your presence. Try to softly stroke his body, telling him that he is a good dog, as he is holding the article. Do this every time he is holding something. Next try taking the item away but then give it straight back to him. This way he learns to trust you. If he has an item you treasure, gently take it – with soft praise – with one hand while immediately substituting with something he likes with the other hand. Praise some more!
Wow! Dog has learned that it is good to hold things, what’s more, he gets love holding in your presence. Now he can ‘hold’ or ‘come’ – that’s great! If he finds an item, he trusts you and will want to come and show it to you to get his love (never move towards the dog, let him come right in to you).
As a dog owner one should try to avoid leaving valuables where a dog can get them, this is very important with puppies.
Once the ‘come and hold’ is established, you will discover that anything the dog finds he brings to you. Lost items are even found!
Oops! Why did it happen & Oh Dear, this habit seems to get worse. Well every time you chase your dog you are telling him that he is Boss – Leaders lead, underlings follow! And in any case he is faster than you! No doubt you shouted, wow, that really puts excitement in the game. If we run at a dog and shout when he takes something, the dog thinks we are going to try to get HIS possession – after all, he found it! If you were to catch him, dog not being stupid knows full well that he’s in for a thrashing!
Let’s turn this around.
Your dog should have been taught to ‘Come’ as a pup. Never punish a dog is it comes to you no matter what he has done wrong. In dog logic, he came to you, doing as you asked, you cannot punish for what happened before he came.
Any attempt your pup/dog makes to carry or hold ANYTHING (his toy or your best shoe) he must be praised. This way he learns that it is safe to hold in your presence. Try to softly stroke his body, telling him that he is a good dog, as he is holding the article. Do this every time he is holding something. Next try taking the item away but then give it straight back to him. This way he learns to trust you. If he has an item you treasure, gently take it – with soft praise – with one hand while immediately substituting with something he likes with the other hand. Praise some more!
Wow! Dog has learned that it is good to hold things, what’s more, he gets love holding in your presence. Now he can ‘hold’ or ‘come’ – that’s great! If he finds an item, he trusts you and will want to come and show it to you to get his love (never move towards the dog, let him come right in to you).
As a dog owner one should try to avoid leaving valuables where a dog can get them, this is very important with puppies.
Once the ‘come and hold’ is established, you will discover that anything the dog finds he brings to you. Lost items are even found!
This article is copyrighted and remains the property of the author. Individuals are welcome to print or copy same for their own use in furthering their knowledge of dogs. However, no reproductions or alterations/variations are allowed without the express written consent of the author.