“The ABC of SA has a great website with lots of interesting articles and features as well as a list of accredited behaviourists. As part of your yearly subscription you will get monthly newsletters, information on upcoming events and talks as well as access to a host of other useful information. Any person who is interested in the concept of animal behaviour irrespective of standing is welcome to join.” The website is www.animal-behaviour.org.za
Clicker Training Concepts - www.clickersa.co.za : Tel (0) 83 333 6172
Maxine@clickersa.co.za : Presenter : Maxine Quinton
Maxine@clickersa.co.za : Presenter : Maxine Quinton
Tracking Workshops
Tracking Workshops are offered for handlers wishing to compete in sports such as Classic Working Trials, Tracking Trials, etc. They include information such as the different types of equipment, rules pertaining to the different tracking disciplines, awareness of terrain and wind conditions, etc. The workshops are held in the veld, and contain both a theoretical and practical element.