Get your pup off to a wonderful start with Raw Love Pet Food. All free-range proteins, no grains, no preservatives. We get the veggies, fruit & supplements from the same shops & farms where we buy our own supplies, including health shops and organic outlets. There are so many benefits to feeding your pups & dogs a diet of fresh, raw food – most important being a healthy immune system. A raw diet also assists with multiple health challenges, including allergies, dry & itchy skin, digestive problems, obesity, constipation and many more – plus it is what dogs were designed to eat. Registered with Dept of Health. Available in Gauteng, Cape Town & Surrounds and KZN. Do have a look at our website at and contact us if you have any questions.
Louise’s Dog and Puppy School
Contact detailsLouise Welsford Cell + (0)84 828 7880 [email protected] Qualifications/Experience I have been training retrievers for field trials and gundog working tests for the past 15 years and have, during this time, made up a Field Trial Champion. I also instruct general obedience and socialization in my puppy, adolescent and adult dog classes and assist pet owners by way of private lessons with problem pets. I run specialized courses for training retrievers for the field as well as clicker training workshops and courses. I am an accredited Super Pup Trainer, and have passed the Canine Culture Instructor’s Puppy Course with merit. Method of Training I use puppy-friendly methods of training, utilizing various ways of getting and maintaining behaviour such as lure and reward, clicker training and classical conditioning, and have experience with all these methods. I also teach owners about appropriate play with their pups and how to integrate play into their training sessions. Course Content
Training Days:
Saturdays and Thursdays Training Times 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursdays Duration of Course: 7 weeks App Number of pups in class: 6 to 7 pups in a class Age of pups in class: Ranging from 9 weeks to 18 weeks Requirements Proof Inoculation Required : Prior Booking Required About Our School My school is situated in a fully-fenced area adjacent to a well-known dog park in the leafy town of Kloof in KZN. My main aim is to help dog and puppy owners to establish a relationship based on mutual trust and respect. Other Services Offered As a follow-on to Puppy Kindergarten I offer Junior Good Manners 1 and 2, which is based on the KUSA Canine Good Citizenship programme. In addition to formal classes I offer private training at clients’ homes, where the training plan is tailored to meet the client’s requirements. I also help with integrating fearful and anxious dogs into situations where there are other dogs and strangers. |