Gold Bead Implants
This can be considered a permanent form of acupuncture, whereby small gold plated magnets are implanted into the various acupuncture points to effect permanent stimulation of that point. This is used in particular for conditions requiring permanent or ongoing treatment, or pain relief such as hip dysplasia, spondylosis or epilepsy.
Supplied by Dr. Anuska Viljoen of Simply Vets.
This can be considered a permanent form of acupuncture, whereby small gold plated magnets are implanted into the various acupuncture points to effect permanent stimulation of that point. This is used in particular for conditions requiring permanent or ongoing treatment, or pain relief such as hip dysplasia, spondylosis or epilepsy.
Supplied by Dr. Anuska Viljoen of Simply Vets.
Practitioners in our Classified Section who offer this Modality:
Simply Vets
Dr. Anuska Viljoen 61 Main Road, Sedgefield Western Cape st +27 (0)44 343 1730 Simply Vets is part of the Simply Group, which emcompasses Simply Pets (Raw Food), Simply Natural (Products) and Simply Vets. Dr. Anuska consults in Sedgefield, but also telephonically and by skype. Dr Anuska visits Cape Town and Johannesburg on a regular basis, and will see her clients when in these areas. If you would like to book a telephonic or skype session with Dr. Anuska, click on this link.S |
Simply Vets
Dr. Anuska Viljoen
61 Main Road, Sedgefield
Western Cape st
+27 (0)44 343 1730
Simply Vets is part of the Simply Group, which emcompasses Simply Pets (Raw Food), Simply Natural (Products) and Simply Vets. Dr. Anuska consults in Sedgefield, but also telephonically and by skype. Dr Anuska visits Cape Town and Johannesburg on a regular basis, and will see her clients when in these areas. If you would like to book a telephonic or skype session with Dr. Anuska, click on this link.South Africa
Dr. Anuska Viljoen
61 Main Road, Sedgefield
Western Cape st
+27 (0)44 343 1730
Simply Vets is part of the Simply Group, which emcompasses Simply Pets (Raw Food), Simply Natural (Products) and Simply Vets. Dr. Anuska consults in Sedgefield, but also telephonically and by skype. Dr Anuska visits Cape Town and Johannesburg on a regular basis, and will see her clients when in these areas. If you would like to book a telephonic or skype session with Dr. Anuska, click on this link.South Africa