Electro-acupuncture uses very small electrical currents to enhance the effects of acupuncture. This stimulates the release of the body’s own anti-inflammatory and pain relieving chemicals, and it relaxes the muscles at the site of the treatment as well as more distant locations of the body. It also improves blood flow, oxygenation and the removal of toxins from the body. Supplied by Dr. Anuska Viljoen
Electro-acupuncture uses very small electrical currents to enhance the effects of acupuncture. This stimulates the release of the body’s own anti-inflammatory and pain relieving chemicals, and it relaxes the muscles at the site of the treatment as well as more distant locations of the body. It also improves blood flow, oxygenation and the removal of toxins from the body. Supplied by Dr. Anuska Viljoen
Practitioners in our Classified Section who offer this Modality: