For well known and trusted brands, do visit our website. Features toys, chew toys, puzzles, fetch toys, food toys, home agility, equipment, dog ramps, life jackets, chill pads, bedding, bowls, grooming equipment and just about everything you need for your dog. We also cater for your kitties and small creatures. Purchase on-line or visit one of our suppliers. Please do contact us if any questions.
Instructor : Niki Elliott
Contact No: 082 451 0433 e-mail : [email protected] Website : Address : 33 Devonshire Ave & 13th Ave Parkmore |
Method of Training : Clicker
Training Days : Wed, Thurs, Sat Training Times : 19:00, 11:00, 08:15 & 14:30 Booking Necessary: Yes Vaccinations Rqrd : Yes |
- Canine Culture – Obedience Instructor – 2005
- Ttouch Practioner 2 – 2005
- COAPE – Dog Behaviour and Training - 2009
Courses Offered: - Written material supplied
- Puppy two
- Basic Obedience
- Canine Good Citizen
- Advanced Obedience
- Agility
- Ttouch
- Clicker
- Heel Work to Music
- Private Lessons
About our School:
Bodies in Balance was started in 2004 by Niki Elliott and Kay Aitcheson.
It is a small dog training school at a safe, secure, private property situated in Bryanston, Sandton. We believe whole-heartedly in positive reinforcement, and all our training is done with the aim of helping to balance - without fear or pain - the mind, body and emotions of all dogs attending classes. We offer a variety of classes as well as individual one on one sessions, either at our school or at a venue of your choice. We invite dogs and handlers to have fun while learning at the same time, giving the dogs the option to think and allowing them the liberty of making their own decisions, which grows confidence.
Our classes are kept small with 2 qualified instructors in each class assuring you of personal attention.
Bodies in Balance was started in 2004 by Niki Elliott and Kay Aitcheson.
It is a small dog training school at a safe, secure, private property situated in Bryanston, Sandton. We believe whole-heartedly in positive reinforcement, and all our training is done with the aim of helping to balance - without fear or pain - the mind, body and emotions of all dogs attending classes. We offer a variety of classes as well as individual one on one sessions, either at our school or at a venue of your choice. We invite dogs and handlers to have fun while learning at the same time, giving the dogs the option to think and allowing them the liberty of making their own decisions, which grows confidence.
Our classes are kept small with 2 qualified instructors in each class assuring you of personal attention.