Why Is My Dog's Stool White ?
by Friends of the Dog
by Friends of the Dog
White dog poop can be a puzzling sight, but there are several possible reasons for it. While some causes are harmless, others may indicate underlying health concerns. Here's a breakdown of the 4 common reasons:
A Diet High in Calcium
Dogs on raw diets or those consuming bones may produce chalky, white stools due to excessive calcium. This can also lead to constipation, with dry, small 'stone' like poop and often the dog is straining. It’s worth consulting a vet if your dog's diet could be the culprit.
The Weather
Poop left outside for several days can change colour, with sun exposure and humidity causing pigments to break down. A white mould or powdery coating can form. This isn’t a concern if the poop was exposed to the elements for a while. However, fresh white poop may point to a more serious issue.
Intestinal Worms
Worms like tapeworms may appear as white, rice-like pieces in your dog's stool. While not all worms are visible, tapeworm segments around the anus or in faeces are a common sign of an infestation, which requires prompt veterinary treatment.
Eating Something White
Dogs sometimes chew or swallow foreign objects like tissues or paper. This can pass harmlessly, but in some cases, foreign objects can cause blockages, requiring medical attention. If you suspect your dog ate something unusual, especially if they exhibit symptoms like vomiting or trouble passing stools, consult a vet.
Liver, Pancreas or Gallbladder Issues.
Pale or white stools can also be a sign of problems with bile production. If any of these organs are not working properly, bile (which gives poop its normal brown colour), may not be released in sufficient amounts.
Dehydration can cause a lack of moisture in your dog's stool, making it appear pale or while and dry. Dehydration is a concern and can affect various aspects of your dog's health. Make sure your dog has access to fresh water, and do get hold of your vet is this persists.
In conclusion
If your dog's poop suddenly turns white, it's essential to monitor them closely. While environmental factors and diet might be harmless causes, other issues such as worms or foreign body ingestion may need professional attention. Always err on the side of caution and contact a vet if you're unsure.